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Landon Robinson
Landon Robinson

FIFA.12-P2P Hack Online PORTABLE

Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software.[1][2] What constitutes cheating is dependent on the game in question, its rules, and consensus opinion as to whether a particular activity is considered to be cheating.

FIFA.12-P2P Hack Online

Cheating is present in most multiplayer online games, but it is difficult to measure.[3][4] Various methods of cheating in online games can take the form of software assistance, such as scripts and bots, and various forms of unsporting play taking advantage of exploits within the game. The Internet and darknets can provide players with the methodology necessary to cheat in online games, with software often available for purchase.[5]

A common aspect of real-time strategy games is the player's partial limitation or complete inability to see beyond the visibility range of individual game objects that are under their ownership (typically units and structures); this concept is controlled by a mechanism known as the fog of war. World-hacking usually enables the user to bypass this mechanism, either by removing it entirely and/or by rendering objects through the fog that would not normally be visible.[3] In multiplayer modes, this allows for a distinct advantage against the other players who are subject to the intended settings. The advantage gained can be substantial, especially for the average real-time strategy games that rely on the rock paper scissors dynamic to balance out individual objects' varying strengths and weaknesses.

World-hacking may also allow a player to see through solid or opaque objects and/or manipulate or remove textures, to know in advance when an opponent is about to come into targeting range from an occluded area. This can be done by making wall textures transparent, or modifying the game maps to insert polygonal holes into otherwise solid walls. This variation is commonly known as a "wallhack" since it basically allows to the player to see enemies through walls.

World-hacking relies on the fact that an FPS server usually sends raw positional information for all players in the game, and leaves it up to the client's 3D renderer to hide opponents behind walls, in plant foliage, or in dark shadows. If the game map rendering could be turned off completely, all players could be seen moving around in what appears to be empty space. Complete map hiding offers no advantage to a cheater as they would be unable to navigate the invisible map pathways and obstacles. However, if only certain surfaces are made transparent or removed, this leaves just enough of an outline of the world to allow the cheater still to navigate it easily.

Asus released wireframe display drivers in 2001 that enabled players to use wallhacks, announcing the settings as "special weapons" that users could employ in multiplayer games. In a poll by the Online Gamers Association, 90% of its members were against the release of the drivers.[11]

Exploiting is the application of an unintended feature or bug that gives the player an advantage not intended by the game design. Exploiting is generally considered cheating by the gaming community at large due to the unfair advantage usually gained by the exploiter. Most software developers of online games prohibit exploiting in their terms of service and often issue sanctions against players found to be exploiting. There is some contention by exploiters that exploiting should not be considered cheating as it is merely taking advantage of actions allowed by the software. Some players view exploiting as a skill because certain exploits take a significant amount of time to find, or dexterity and timing to use.[further explanation needed]

There are many facets of cheating in online games which make the creation of a system to stop cheating very difficult; however, game developers and third-party software developers have created or are developing[20][21] technologies that attempt to prevent cheating. Such countermeasures are commonly used in video games, with notable anti-cheat software being BattlEye, GameGuard, PunkBuster, Valve Anti-Cheat (specifically used on games on the Steam platform),[citation needed] and EasyAntiCheat.[22]

Sandboxing a software process can protect against potentially malicious actions such as code injection and memory modifications that would otherwise tamper with the game.[27] One of the key benefits of sandboxing is that it can effectively prevent the underlying cheat mechanisms from working, and thereby can avoid the need for banning game community members as cheats simply don't work. Additionally, strong prevention mechanisms can stop many game hackers from targeting the game because of elevated skill requirements. Compared to pattern detection systems, sandboxing is generally not privacy invasive, as the approach requires no data to be uploaded to foreign back-end systems.

Some companies and leagues ban suspected cheaters by blacklisting specific installation or serial keys, or user accounts, meaning that the player is effectively prevented from playing the game online. Certain games are known to identify cheaters and "shadow ban" them by placing them in matchmaking with other cheaters only, so as not to let the cheaters know that they have been identified.[31][32]

In some cases a ban may not be permanent and will expire after a certain period of time. Suspensions are commonly used as a punitive measure for abuse of game glitches, harassing players, or benefiting from hacks. Temporary bans may also be utilized in case a violation cannot be fully proven, as is common with anti-cheating methods based on supervision or statistical detection.

In recent years, countries including South Korea and China have criminalized the sale or use of cheats in video games.[38] In South Korea, cheaters could be punished with up to 5 years in jail or fines exceeding $40,000.[6] The presence of cheaters in online games may push away the legitimate playerbase and reduce overall profits in the industry, leading to game developers working with legislative bodies or enforcement agencies.[38]

Historically, some game companies have also taken legal measures against individuals that have created and sold cheating tools in video games as a means to curb their use. Anti-cheat experts have argued that it is particularly important to take legal steps against entities who profit from making and selling cheats.[39] In April 2013, coder DrUnKeN ChEeTaH was sued by Nexon America for operating GameAnarchy, a popular subscription based cheat provider for Combat Arms, and lost, Nexon being awarded $1.4M in damages.[40] In January 2017, Riot Games successfully sued the LeagueSharp service, which offered a subscription-based hacking service for Riot's League of Legends, with a $10 million award to be paid to Riot.[41][42] Blizzard Entertainment sued Bossland GMBH for distributing software hacks for several of its games, and was awarded $8.5 million in damages.[43][44] Epic Games, producers of the battle royale game Fortnite have sued two cheaters partnered with AddictedCheats, who offer cheating services for a variety of online games.[45]

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  • Cons Does not work on older devices

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Password cracking tools can also be used by system administrators to check for easily hackable passwords. Although traditionally perceived to be used exclusively for criminal purposes, using password hacking tools to test or recover lost passwords is a legal practice. The best password cracker apps can handle multiple targets simultaneously, are usable on different platforms, and support multiple protocols.

Medusa is an online password-cracking tool that supports plenty of protocols, including HTTP, SSH, FTP, CVS, AFP, POP3, Telnet, and more. The software works as a login brute-forcer; many credentials using as many protocols as possible are inputted to arrive at the correct password.

THC Hydra has seen many comparisons to Medusa as a password cracker, but there are notable differences between the two software. Like Medusa, THC Hydra is also an online password cracking tool that uses a brute-force password guessing method. One key difference is that THC Hydra can be installed on Windows, macOS, Linux, Free BSD, and Solaris, notably more platforms than Medusa supports. In addition to the brute-force method, THC Hydra can also use dictionary attacks, using external wordlists.


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